wow now i'm just raping mibba

Third journal entry within an hour. Maybe even half an hour. But I really feel like I need to say things. Mostly because I don't have a journal to write in anymore.
It feels like I have collapsed my lung again. I have been sick for a few days; coughing, etc. and last time I was sick like that, I had actually collapsed my lung. I really didn't like that. And now it feels like I've done that again. Hopefully I can get an x-ray or something because I would at least like to know if I have collapsed it or not. Oh well, thanks for reading this, I just needed to tell someone.
And yes, that is how I am going to end my journal posts from now on because I really am thanking those who read my journals for listening to me complain about my life. even though it's not all complaining because there are some good things such as; Josh, you're such a sweetheart and you're amazing and I can't believe I'm with someone as perfect as you :) <3 Thank you for always being there for me :) <3
again, thank you for reading this :)
October 3rd, 2010 at 07:13am