sometimes he bugs me

My brother is often very annoying. But nowadays, he's even worse. His girlfriend just came back from Washington and he spent last night with her. But Dad wanted to know, for hours, what time he would be home. He kept saying, "I don't know, later." And that bugged Dad and me.
If you read any of my journals last night, you'd know that I was up until one something. And my brother hadn't texted me telling me what time he would be home. I woke up this morning and got a text from him saying he'd be home around 2.30-3 when he was supposed to be home at 12.
So now Dad is really mad at him, and he's taking his anger out on me. And I really hate it when that happens because that happens ALOT recently.
Also. My brother and I share a phone charger because, again, if you've read one of my previous journal entries, you'd know that my charger doesn't work. At least, I think that's what I wrote, if I didn't, my phone charger doesn't work. And my phone was going to die last night, but my brother wasn't here and I couldn't find his charger. I had to hook my phone up to the computer to keep it on, but it doesn't charge.
Now my brother is asleep and I can't go into his room for his charger because it makes me feel bad to wake people up. But I reaallly need to charge my phone.
Yeah, yeah, I sound like I'm complaining, but hey, it helps me to write about stuff.
And I wish my brother would just be nice for once and let me use something of his, or stop being so annoying to all of my family, including me.
Thanks for reading this, I just needed to tell someone.
October 3rd, 2010 at 04:27pm