The World is Way Too Soft

Dear World,

A little girl stared hungrily at a lollipop in my hand that I was going to throw away. I didn't want it, so I tried giving it to her. With joy in her eyes she ran to her mother and pointed at me, saying what a nice girl I was. I smiled and waved back.

Beautiful, isn't it?

The mom goes up to me, slaps me across the face and tells me that I'm a "sick, twisted freak." Real words. Real emotion. The little girl licked the new lollipop and stared at her mtoher in confusion. When I didn't respond, the mom tells me that I have no right to do the "horrible" and "inappropriate" and "empty-headed" action. Excuse me, I just gave your daughter a lollipop. I'm sorry if that offended you in any way.

I feel sorry for tomorrow's youth. They will never know the feeling of riding in a wagon or sledding down a hill, or even climbing a fence to go to their friend's house.

I remember doing all of that risky stuff and I turned out alright. It was fun. A lot of fun.

Now the world is soft. It's softer than the pricy toilet paper on T.V.

October 4th, 2010 at 07:43am