happy to sad; sad to happy

I am a strange person. I have seriously weird mood swings. Often, when I'm sad in the mornings, I'm really hyper at night. But when I've had an awesome day, I'm really upset in the night. It's weird and I don't get it.
Today for example, I had a really good day, except one little thing in the morning and during lunch, but other than that, it was really good. When I got home, I was still feeling good, but a little while ago, I was doing my project for school and I kept messing up, and now I'm really upset.
Also, I've had really, seriously, truly, horrible days but then at night, I'm pretty much bouncing off the walls.
It does not make sense to me and I really don't like being like this because I don't like being upset anymore.
Is anyone else like this? Or am I just weird..?
Thanks for reading, I just needed to tell someone.
October 5th, 2010 at 02:15am