a little bit about me...

I am in love with my music. I can't live without it. And in case you're wondering, I like rock (which includes screamo), metal, and some alternative. I absolutely despise all that shit they call pop, and rap. I don't even consider that music, just add a "c" in front of the word and it turns into "crap". Viola! Then there's country, that's a whole different story. My ears bleed at the sound of it. I enjoy reading, fantasy and fiction being my favorite genres. I like writing stories, and my friend introduced me to Quizilla so I could write them there, then I found this site from the authors on Quizilla. Visit me on Quizilla if you have one too. I am a total freak. Like I've said many times, I love music, so I try to get involved with it as many ways as possible. I play percussion, piano, and I'm trying to teach myself guitar. I'm in concert band at my school, and I'm also in marching band. I am one of the randomest people you will ever meet, along with my friends. I like the weirdest things. Weird is a compliment to me. Call me what you want but I won't care. Don't judge me till you know me! I often fight with myself, and I always lose... It's so frustrating! Call me crazy if you want, I still won't care! I am an aspiring author, which is kinda why I like these sites. Uhm... I suck at drawing and I have absolutely no sense of direction. I've gotten lost in a freaking hospital... where there are signs posted practically every 5 feet. It was really sad... I also like taking pictures—photography is awesome—but I usually do best with nature, not people. Last, but certainly not least, I hate the color pink. I don't mind other people wearing or liking it but I absolutely will not associate with it unless the circumstances are especially special (that's right, I just said "especially special". I'm just that awesome).

My favorites...

Band: Bullet for my Valentine
Song: Your Betrayal
Movie: Finding Nemo (yes, I'm a dork)
TV Show: Vampire Diaries, Spongebob Squarepants, Tom & Jerry, and Invader ZIM
Color: dark purple
Color Combo: black and neon green
Book: Shiver (by Maggie Stiefvater), Linger (sequel)
Author: James Patterson
Food: popcorn
Drink: Dr. Pepper
Superhero: Batman
Animal: Wolf
Sea Creature: Jellyfish
Store: Barnes & Noble (I love books just as much as music)
Quote: "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can never do."

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id:100001509393567
Quizilla: http://quizilla.teennick.com/user/biteme42/
Polyvore: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/profile?id=1524638

You wanna know more then message me or something...
October 5th, 2010 at 06:49am