
SO. This entry is mostly about one of my good friends Hannah.
Who has changed every part of HER.

less than 6 months ago, she weighed about 25 lbs more, (currently 110lb-5'3'')
less than 6 months ago, she worse absolutely no makeup (currently wears boatloads)
less than 6 months ago, she didn't wear black clothes
Less than 6 months ago, she gived a damn.

I'm worried because she rarely touches her food, and sometimes shakes saying she's cold. So Im afraid she may be a bittt anorexic. Her music taste changed from harmless pop to screamo, she doesnt smile, barey talks and seems depressed all the time. And now shes dating this boy who does pot and shit

If anyone knows any way to help me just make her smile, pleaasee comment? thank =}
October 5th, 2010 at 11:04pm