My message about anti-gay bullying - Make it STOP 10/6/10

If you've heard the many stories about gay/lesbian teens killing themselves after being bullied so much, then you probably know about the comments people leave about it. This is what I posted on an online article about celebrities making videos encouraging bullied teens that it will get better, and I feel the need to post it here too. Note: this was written in less than 5 minutes, I was very outraged at the ADULTS leaving awful comments, and I was unable to fully speak out about this issue, but I feel this will do for now.

"Speaking as a straight 17 year old that believes EVERYONE (race, gender, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, religious views, etc) should and DESERVES to be treating equally, I cannot believe that all of these adults are using this story to preach and/or demean certain religions. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION!

It doesn't matter about your religious and/or political views, all that matters is that there are INNOCENT teenagers and even children, who feel that they shouldn't be alive or don't DESERVE to be alive because of who they are or who they love. Set aside their sexuality, (if you even can) do you really think that telling teenagers and children it's okay to bully other children for being different (in any sense of the word) and then sitting back and watching those bullied teens take their own lives, is okay?

Think about when you were teenagers, were you bullied? Or were you the bully? Either way, it's not okay. If you were ever bullied as a child/teen then you know how much it hurts, and how WRONG it is. This isn't about sexual orientation, religion, or politics, this is about children and teens suffering so much that they take their own lives. Have compassion and understanding. What if that was YOUR child who killed themself? Would you care then?"

What do you think about this issue? And please give valid reasons, not just off-hand comments. Also, please do not take this as a place for you to FIGHT with other members, I want this to be a DISCUSSION, not an all out brawl, got it?
October 6th, 2010 at 11:30pm