Days 39-46 - First College Test/FINALLY! My Awesome Headphones/Easy A

So...yeah...I've been gone for a week. Why? Cause like I said before...I like to pretend to have a life. Haha. No, I actually do. Yes, it maybe mainly college, but you know.

I had my first college test last Tuesday and I got an A!! Almost an A+, but you know, I'll take a high A. The day of the test was miserable, might I add. It was about 105 degrees that day and the AC wasn't working in my building. Fun stuff, right? But hey, no arguments from me, since it panned out well.

I got my new headphones finally! The right ones, rose colored Heartbeats by Lady GaGa and I love them. They sound super good, so if you need new ones and don't mind investing a little money, I recommend them. And they're super stylish of course!

I had date night with my friends last Friday and saw Easy A. I liked the movie and all, but the only thing that bugged me, maybe it's just me, was how totally unrealistic the plot was. I'm just saying, most parents would not be that chill about their child dressing like Olive did or whatever, you know. And high school is nothing like least it wasn't for me, but I might have gotten lucky. Idk. What did you guys think of the movie?

Song of the day: I'll Believe In Anything - Wolf Parade

Well, of to watch some Ghost Hunters for me (:
October 7th, 2010 at 03:59am