Well blah blah blah

Today was a great day! I got up ontime and made it out the door to find my dad parked behind me again. So I ran inside and told him to please move.:) then I was off my work which is the best job in the world and got my road rage on. I don't mean to be rude because I feel like I'm a nice person but seriously if your gonna slow down when the light is green then cause your driving slow we have to stop because it turns red. I think I'm allowed to be a little mad.
I drive a yellow bug so it's kinda funny to see me get mad in the happiest car in the world. Also another random thing about me I love batman! I really badly want to find a sticker for my car that's the batman symbol! I would be so happy if I found one.:)
moving on I got to work and studied for my test I had today. Another sociology test. Now I'm getting to the good part on my way to school I had enough Time to stop at panda express! It's a good day here when I get a panda bowl with chow mein and orange chicken.
So by far this day rocked! Also I had 156 people read my review which made me happy and 13 people read my story!! I'm going to write another chapter btw hopefully tonight so if you want to please read my story, if not that's cool.:)
Well I hope y'all have an amazing day tomorrow. Here's my two cents for the night enjoy the little things. Good night and sleep tight!
leave me comments and questions. They can be serious
or they can be silly I will try to answer them the
best I can.
October 7th, 2010 at 05:15am