I am a centrist social libertarian. (+Dentist visit and Hot Man)

Political Quiz

I took that quiz, because my friend posted it on her tumblr, and it told me that I am a centrist social libertarian. I didn't know what that meant, because I'm an idiot, so I looked it up.

But, basically, it means I'm basically open to anything political, but I want more freedoms when it comes to social things. Or something like that. It's pretty accurate if that's what it means.

Yesterday, I went to the dentist for fillings and sealants at 8:30 in the morning. So I wasn't in the best mood. But after they did that, they gave me a popsicle. A POPSICLE, Y'ALL. Yeah, I'd even said y'all to emphasize how excited I was. (I feel so southern now.)

Afterward I had to go to school, but I couldn't feel the right side of my face like all afternoon. It was so intense.

And oh my life, you guys, I came home, and I went into a freaking coma. I slept thirteen hours straight.

Everything about yesterday was intense.

Little side note,

If you've read my story, called Four Years, then you'll know that I've liked this guy since like...sixth grade. I was hanging out after school today waiting for my mom to pick me up, and he came to wait for his ride after football practice,

and guys, I don't know what I did to deserve it, but he was looking FINE AS HELL, and I got all flustered. Like I think he does it on purpose to torment me. I think he knows that I like him, and he just likes to mess with me.

Someone help me.
1. a.Did you take the political spectrum quiz?
b. What did you get?
2. How do you feel about dentist visits?
3. Anything intense happen lately?
4. Any hot boy stories you'd like to share?
October 8th, 2010 at 12:19am