I Hate People

Its official. I hate people. I absolutely hate people. Please, don't take any offense to this. I don't hate you in particular and I'm not trying to single specific people out. Trust me, I love all my friends I really do.

I just hate people in general. And I hate them a lot.

I think this developed about a year ago, when the company my dad worked for was shutting down and they didn't decide to tell him until a month before it closed. Luckily, he used that time amazingly wisely and found another job. Five months later that company is closing too. He finds yet another job that is paying him much less money, however he his still on training pay, so it may get better.

If that whole paragraph was just blah blah blah, I apologize and I understand totally.

Today my hatred for people grew about four times the size it was before.

I almost died. Twice. In a five minute time span.

My mom and I were pulling out of a Wallgreens and another car was pulling out from a store across the street. It wasn't anyone in particular's fault really. More half and half. My mom didn't see them and they didn't see my mom.

My mom hit the breaks just in time, as the other car made no effort to avoid collision. The kid, I'm thinking a teenager a little older than me, that was in the back seat flipped us off. Now, I see the middle all the time in school, though it is never really directed toward me. But when it's supposed to be telling you to fuck off and they mean it in the meanest way possible, not only makes me feel bad but it kind of ticked me off.

I have a temper. Most people don't see it, but it's there. If my mom hadn't been there I would have a) flicked him off right back or b) role down my window and send a string of profanities his way. If my mom hadn't been there and I was driving I would have just spend up and slammed into their rear end, no lie, and payed the fee later.

That would have made me very happy.

The second time was merely three minutes later. We were driving through an intersection, and there were a back up of cars coming from the other direction. One car whipped out into our lane to try and pass the slow dude in front of him.

Normally I would have been totally cool with this, that happens a lot and is quite a common occurrence. But see, when someone whips out into you're lane and you're only five yards away from them, its pretty damn terrifying.

My mom slammed on her breaks again and I really wish she had honked her horn. We missed them by centimeters and at that point I clasped my eyes shut and didn't open them until we were safely in our garage.

Then I found out progressive sent my dad through this long process of interviews just to not hire him so know he is pissed and is going to be taking his frustration out on other people for the next week.


I hate people.

With a burning passion in my soul that the depths of hell couldn't even compete with.
October 8th, 2010 at 12:22am