Signed Up For NaNoWriMo | Story ***

I have finally posted my baby; a story that has been racking my brain for a beginning since the dawn of time--I'm exagerating but it's been killing me how I have not yet found a way to start it until now--and I can't wait to see how that story unfolds. The story, dubbed Allison Wonderland is about a girl named Allison who struggles to not only find herself but learns about her mother's past when she finds a journal locked up in the closet and goes on a search she'd never dream she'd be on. I just may post this beast for NaNoWriMo. Gah!

It's terribly mad, I must say!

Oh, and if anybody would like to whore their stories also, please do so in the comments. I don't ask for comment swaps, because I'd generally prefer if you read and commented my story because you liked it, but I can read yours over and leave a nice constructive critique in your comments! That's just how I roll.

x Tequila Mockingbird
October 8th, 2010 at 12:27am