Letters Between Clay and I

Dear Kelli,

I decided to write you a nice long e-mail cuz you just went to bed and now......i have no one to talk to so hear we go. When we sit there in English class listening to Carico go on about stuff like "proper use of adjectives" it takes all i have to stay awake so then i happen to look over at you and then you look at me and I smile then you go into a random laughing spell and then i feel better and i am awake.....until the next time she bores me to death. Not the point but anyway (thats a "squirrel moment" i think). So the first time i saw you i was like oh hey thats kelli bankson, she's hot. Then i smiled at you and you smiled back and see it was easy to look at you cuz carico sat right behind you and then i could smile at you every time you glanced my way. Then we got to talking and i discovered that you were pretty sweet as well and then you try and tell me that you only got a one in a million shot with me and silly me i thought it was the other way around!!!! =) so if you didnt know this yet i send alot of random notes and you happened to be in my contacts......and on my mind.......and in the inbox thing on here so ya you got the pick for the random email of my thoughts so if you hate it then reply and tell me you hate it and i will not send you another and if you cool with the randomness then let the games begin i guess =)



Dear Clay,

It is freaking 5:00 in the morning and instead of being off somewhere in my house doing my makeup or finding a cute pair of jeans, I am sitting here answering you. You must be pretty freaking important to me. :p Whereas you have such an easy excuse to look at me, I unfortunatly do not have the same excuse. You suck :). But yea, random laughing bits..... :) what can I say, you make me laugh :) Ya know actually the first time I saw was my english class last year, when you were dating Carissa. I'm pretty sure the edited version of my thoughts went something along the lines of "wow hes hott. wait crap he's with her :/ *insert extreme amounts of jealousy here* " yea....... :) and then I when you were in my english class this year and I did my random looking for hott guys, well, I never really got past you. you already know that I like you. you already know that I think you're way out of my league. But not just because I think you're cute, although admittedly, you are (my own little squireal moment :D hehehe) but you're also really sweet and a lot nicer than i expected for you to be. You're not really the type of guy that I usually date, but maybe thats a good thing seeing as how I keep getting dumped and cheated on. Oddly, and believe me I'm struggling to understand why, you seem to like me too. I don't understand it, but I'm not going to fight it either. By the way, I put your really long email to shame :)




well considering this is the fastest i have ever gotten dressed you pretty important as well but i cant answer in a long message now cuz im about to leave so i will talk to you some time today and i wouldnt mind hearing the unedited version =)




Dear Kelli,

for some odd reason i have come down with a acute case of sleepiness so i have decided to write another pointless email but this time im not going to tell you how pretty you are or anything cuz you have Christian for those things =) BUT!!!! i do want your reply from this mornings little adventure on my computer sometime in the near future missy!!!! lol anyway im tired and about to go to sleep so ill send you a text telling you i sent you another email and you will huf and puf and roll your eyes and read it and maybe reply so i will stay up a bit longer and then......im going to sleep but i will text you tomorrow. goodnight




you did not beat me :) and i answered you just won't be too happy with my answer ;) hehehe but anyway you know normally when someone gets sleepy they sleep :) hehehe



what shall i have to do to get you to tell me the unedited version?? cuz i want to know really bad =) and i did go to sleep thank you =)


you cannot get me to tell you the unedited version :) at least not yet lol maybe if i didn't have a boyfriend but i do, so not yet :)



Ok, so clay and I had this little question thing where we had an e-mail with a bunch of questions for the other person and then we sent it at the same time. And this is the outcome of that.

i should prolly start out simple.........

favorite color?
favorite song?
favorite type of music?
any sports you play?
favorite sport?
any siblings?
favorite book?
birthday? (like the actual day, i know its in december but what day lol)

ok im not good with shallow questions lol sorry

um... do you believe in love?
and if so do you say it on every whim or wait until you know that you mean it?
are you faithful?
do you like just being with a girl or are you one of the "every moment has to have a purpose because i could be doing better things" guys?
cheating (please please say you don't lol)?
for lack of a better word, cuddling? lol

yea so your prolly getting impatient so thats it.........for now. expect more when i have more time lol


His Reply:
simple man lynard skynard
anything lol
1 sister
Harry Potter books
uh i dont really have a hobbie
seventeenth of December =) 1994 as well lol
i do believe in love but i also believe love is not an instant thing it has to be built up over time
i wait
i dont think i have ever broken up with a girl they break up with me so i like to think im faithful
I love every minute of being with a girl no matter what
cheaters suck
you dont even know how much i like to cuddle......im a huge fan of cuddling

His questions to me:
ok well i dont have many mainly cuz i dont ask much i just answer so here are a few i can think of are you one of those people that just throws the word love around?? do you like to cuddle ( i love it) do you like to kiss in school?? ( cause i dont i think thats something private and special) uh when you and your bf are having hard times do you stick it through?? when your bf is coming over do you do your makeup specially for him (cause i believe its pointless no offense) and thats really all the deep questions i have i know thats not much but hey im a simple guy =)

My Reply:
i don't throw the word love around. i have to mean it before i say it and when i do its a meaningfull thing. i do like to cuddle. a lot. i just have problwms finding a guy that will. as for the whole kissing in public thing i pretty much just cater to my boyfriends on that. it just kind of depends on what he wants. like christian is all for it but i have had other guys that aren't. im like that with a lot of things, just kind of doing whatever my boy wants. yes i do stick it through. i hate breakups and do anything i can to avoid them ( i just seem to get dumped a lot) and with make up it just kind of depends on if i trust the guy to like me without it. i've just never had one that i did. plus i don't wear much make up anyway.


And his reply to that:
ok well i honestley answered almost everything the exact same way and makeup.....i dont get it never have never will i honestly think a girl is beautiful even without make up no matter what anyone tells me. im not one to dump a girl. i am all about kissing and any kind of physical touch i am a huge cuddler if i had to choose one physical action to do with a girl it is cuddling. so i hope that clears things up =)

Now tell me he isn't the sweetest guy ever :) <3 that boy
October 8th, 2010 at 01:31am