and i don't paint myself into corners anymore

This year has been very weird for me. At the very beginning of the year, to around March Break, or around April. probably more close to April though, I was.. pretty depressed. I couldn't find anything happy in my life. And I had been doing things I don't even like to think about anymore.
My family was very worried about me, especially my mom. My friends didn't care. Cuz they didn't like me, which was one of the biggest reasons I was depressed.
So anyway. My mom had wanted me to see a bunch of therapists and such, and I went to see this one woman. And she was all about spirituality and stuff. Sorry if you believe in all of that stuff, but I don't. So I didn't think that she could help me at all. Spiritual healing, praying to God, all of that kind of stuff, I thought it was all just crap, which was another reason I wasn't getting any better. I had also been taking melatonin, which was helping me sleep, but it was severely messing with my head and my dreams, making me never want to sleep, but then I needed sleep, so I needed melatonin, and that messed with me, and so on; it was a really bad cycle.
And it was in March/April whatever that I pretty much stopped hanging out with my previous friends and started hanging out with Shannon, Rachael and Katie. And Airele, but now she has nothing to do with my life, but that does not matter.
I started feeling less and less depressed, but I was still really upset all the time. But I knew that I had found good friends, true friends, friends I could depend on whenever I was upset.
And at the end of April, I met Josh. And when I became closer to him, and even closer to my girl friends, I really did come out of my depression. I became happy. I still had my bad days, but they were less often than before.
I have stopped taking melatonin. I haven't had any for probably a month, or over a month now. And I can sleep well again. Sometimes I think that I still need it, but I know I truly don't. And I don't have bad dreams anymore, just weird ones, but I can forget them throughout the day.
I am now even happier. I haven't had any big breakdowns or anything for a long while now. And today is the third day in a row that I have been happy. Although I'm really scared that because I've been so happy for so long I'm going to have a reallllllly had day soon, I am enjoying the happy time I have right now. :)
I'm even getting more confident and getting over my shyness and meeting a bunch of new people and making so many new friends.
I'm sooo happy for all of this. So, thank you for reading. I wanted to share my happiness with everyone :)
October 8th, 2010 at 03:26am