ffkadgjhdg;hjkf, hi.

I've have a ridiculous amount of homework lately.
It's borderline disgusting.

But anywho,

I'm home this weekend because I had to go to the dentist. Lame, I know, but things like this need to be done. At least, I think they do.

Have you ever wondered why things are the way they are? I do, a lot actually. Like for instance, let's set the scene:

So today, I'm sitting in the dentist's chair with all these god-knows-what things in my mouth and the chair feels extremely awkward on my leg because it's coated in this creepy feeling plastic and of course I had to have shorts on. I mean, it was 70 degrees out in October, I had to take full advantage. Anyway, whilst sitting in the dentist chair, I started thinking, who came up with the concept of elevator etiquette? Seriously. It's the strangest thing I think I've ever experienced in my entire 18 (almost 19) years of life. Like in all honestly who thinks this is the right way to approach riding an apparatus that goes up and down?

(Person Enters)

Walks in.

Notices other people in the elevator, but is fearful to acknowledge them.

I haven't the slightest idea.

Stands facing forward not looking around just watching the numbers slowly go higher or lower.

(Gets off)


I really don't understand. I think it's so bizarre how everyone seems to think that this is okay. Because it's not. It's just strange.

Anyway, enough of my elevator ranting. I'm home for the week from school and I'm about to go indulge at one of the garden state's finest eating establishments: a diner<3.

For real, New Jersey has the best diners. I'll bet you a dollar for it.

I'll try and get on here some more, but no promises.


OH! and p.s. - Watch this video on YouTube. This lady is pretty much my new hero.
October 10th, 2010 at 12:55am