
Why is it so necessary for otherwise nice and thoughtful people to lie to those whom are supposed to be their friends?

I suppose they feel like it's kinder. But, it isn't. I usually know when they're doing it. I just hardly ever call them on it. It does no good. Either they deny it or they try to justify it. Which makes it worse.

Maybe they feel it's a white lie and nicer than the actual truth. Maybe they leave something out (lying by omission), because it makes things more complicated or makes something sound worse or more harsh.

Maybe, maybe not. I don't know what the thought processes are. All I know is that as far as I'm concerned it is none of those things in reality.

Lying is a betrayal. Friends don't lie to each other for any reason or any intent. At least, not good friends.

I feel disappointed with being lied to recently and I just can't handle not being able to trust this person, anymore. At least, not handle it and be friends with this person. We've been friends for so long.

Some may say that's all the more reason to give her more chances or look past it, but I think the opposite. And my friends all mostly know my feelings about honesty. And this friend is one of few who knows especially.

Letting go is going to be hard. But, I just can't do this anymore, as dramatic as that sounds. A knowing and willing betrayal of truth and trust, when they know how I feel about that is unacceptable.

Don't get me wrong. I don't intend to be rude or mean to this person. I just can't be emotionally available for this friend anymore. We will be friends in name only. I will answer if they want to talk, but no more emotionally investments or attempts to help them out.

Anyway, they've made it abundantly clear that I'm not all that important compared to their other friends anymore. So, I doubt they are at all likely to even notice.

Thank goodness we live in different states and towns or this might have become somewhat awkward.
October 10th, 2010 at 02:37am