I'm Sick Of All These Negative Rants... plus questions.

I'm sick of all these angsty youth rants.
Not trying to sound disrespectful, but lately Mibba has become a negative place.
Yes I will admit that I have wrote one or two journals that were negative, but it was stuff that was really bothering me.
I guess you could say this is a rant... but I think it's just my opinion on rants. ;)
I'm sorry... I yelled.

Anyways to get away from the negative vibes which are totally harshing my mellow man (says that in douchey voice.) Lets talk about random things.

I just got my eyebrow pierced and I already want another piercing... yes they are addictive.
My sister says I would be over doing it if I got more than one.
BOO you suck... I will not listen to her... because she is older and more wise and I dont care. :)
She is like an owl... a wise owl.
Have you ever wondered why people say that about owls?
Cause I have.

If it was legall to own a pet giraffe I totally would.
He could just chill out in my backyard... and like do giraffe stuff. :)
And I could take giraffe rides through the city...
while shouting at the locals...
HAH take that society.
My giraffe... MINE.

What are you guys up to on this fine day...evening?

Should I ask you guys some questions?

1.) How are you?
2.) What are you doing at this exact moment?
3.) If you could have any pet at all, what pet would you have?
4.) What's your take on piercings?
5.) Favourite flavour of chips?
October 10th, 2010 at 03:02am