Recent Update!

Hey everyone! Sorry about not writing anything. Been REALLY busy with High School. I'm in my final year. Still trying to decide if I should go to college or put it off for a couple of years and start working to earn enough money to be able to attend.

With my current education, I'm taking English 4, Civics, Chemistry, Health/P.E., and AG class. I take AG because I attend an Agricultural High School in my hometown. I really like the Civics class, especially since I know the teacher well(I had him for World History and African American History in my freshman year of High School). Chemistry can be a bit annoying since whenever a student makes a sound when the teacher's giving a lecture or notes, he stops what he's doing and waits for the class to get quiet. NOT looking forward to P.E. class next term(I HATE those suicide runs! Last time I had to do those, I ALMOST went into Hypoglycemia. I hate being a Type 1 Diabetic).

Well, I'm ALMOST a legal adult! Turning 18 this wednesday!

Got to get off. Sleep is starting to warm over me. Later people!
October 10th, 2010 at 06:00am