Long distance relationships yay? Or nay?

So I've been with my boyfriend for a little over two years now. We were quickly best friends for six months before he asked me out. I guess we are best friends that are attracted to each other hah. Well I moved this summer to Washington state, while he still lives in California. The whole long distance relationship seemed fine because of how much we loved each other and how we always talked to each other all the time. Well last weekend I flew down to see him and he told me that not being able to be around me stresses him out and that we wouldn't break up, but his mind would act like we were friends so it would be easier for him. I instantly broke down crying, thinking that he wanted to see other people and that I messed up or something. Well yesterday he didn't text me for six hours, and then he sent me one text, and then didn't text back for another four hours. It seemed like he didn't want to talk to me and that he didn't care how much it upset me. Since I'm still new to the area I don't have really good friends yet, so he is the only person I talk to. Him pretty much ignoring me hurt so bad, and it still makes me mad. His excuse is that he went to a kickback and it turned into a raging party and his phone was left in his car and died. Whatever. I decided to just drop it because I hate fighting, but he knows how pissed off I was. One of the worst things you can intentionally do to someone is ignore them. Now things are better, but I just don't completely understand why this whole relationship is so hard for him. He has friends, goes to school, and works at a Halloween store. It's not like he is stuck doing nothing but mope around about me being gone. All I have is school and him. There are a few people that I talk to at school, and one kid on the bus, but I don't hang out with them or text them at all because I don't have their numbers. I'm really weird about asking people for it. Anyways, if anyone should be stressed about the relationship it's me. Girls have tried stealing him away from me before, which really pissed me off, and since my boyfriend is nice, girls assume that he likes them. How girls make that connection I have no idea, but what I really hate is the fact that the girls knew that I was with him and they still tried to get with him. Skank alert to the max. Seriously. It makes me embarrassed to be associated with girls because I'm not like that at all. I've never even hooked up with a guy before I was with my boyfriend. He is the only guy I have done anything with, which is one of the reasons why he likes me so much. Girls seriously need a reality check. Guys don't like it when you have been around. They'd rather you be some-what prude than be too experienced.
Leave your thoughts for me :]
Stay Classy,
October 10th, 2010 at 09:13am