My Favourite Stories On Mibba

I am so bored today that I literally cleaned my bathroom - bath, toilet, sink and all. And let me tell you that my brother produces a lot of nasty funk which is a real bitch to get out. Okay, now that I have given you those beautiful mental images let's move on to my favourite stories here on this beautiful site.

Don't Forget Memory Lane - Dodger: it's not overly complicated and doesn't waffle on about obscure things, it's a quaint cute love story in the making. And I absolutely adore the names (Memory Lane, actual genius!). If you fancy something light and enjoyable then I highly recommend this.

Eccentrically - Elude: Love this. Simple as. The plot is so pretty and delicate, and the hero is so intense. Plus Elijah is an amazing name! If you do one thing today you should check this out [and the banner is so lush!].

Fallen - BryonLeeW.: is you've ever read Fallen the actual novel then you'll love this because they have similar plot lines. Fallen angels, tragic stories of rebirth and an endless love. Stupidly lovely, and Nate will make you weak at the knees! (p.s. you should just check out this author generally because she's really talented).

Four Petals - alexandra.: I couldn't have a 'My Favourite Mibba Stories' journal and not include something by this beauty! She's utterly amazing and this modern-ised version of Beauty and the Beast is fantastic. So creepy, so romantic, such a good read.

Granting A Thief's Wishes - DizzyBee: This is so creative, such an unusual idea. I love all things to do with fantasy and this story combines that with modern-day romance and typical late-teen/early-twenty's angst.

Hear My Silence - songs.of.the.stars: This is by far my favourite Jacob Black fanfic out there. Written eloquently without the usual he-imprints-and-suddenly-everything-is-just-hunky-dorey. Way worth a look!

Hit And Run - Helenjames22: I love this girl and I love this story (not just because the heroine has the same name as me, honest!), there's so much potential in it. It's nice, sometimes, to read something which isn't just romance romance romance and this is definitely a breath of fresh air.

Love For The Romantically Disabled - God, can this girl write. And what a beautiful piece she has written. I love period pieces and this is written so well that it flows better than almost any story I have ever read. Basically, this is amazing!

Mercury Books - Ms.Marauder: Well, of course this is in here. The girl's a freakin' genius. Go and check out her entire works if you haven't already. Do it now!

My Calamity - perle etoile.: This is just beautiful. I don't think there's another adjective which can really cover it. The girl's only 14 and she can write like a pro! I seriously hate myself when I read this because it's so good and yet I can't help but want to keep reading and reading and reading. It's just that good.

Poppy Jennings's Revenge - pattybee.: Original. Quirky. Interesting. Funny. Romantic but not staggeringly so. So addictive. Painfully so.

Skinny Love - anchor and braille: Yet another girl who can write like nothing else! Seriously, this is pretty much one of my favourite things in the world. I love that it's set in Ireland and that the hero is so intense and misunderstood.

The Bedroom Sessions - alligator blood: I'm really not that into fanfics but this is pretty much a huge exception! So original in its ideas and the girl's called Florrie which is a hot-ass name. If you don't hate fanfics and like Oli Sykes or just fancy a good read then this is highly highly suggested.

The Game Of Seduction - Sun Dried Moon: Really entertaining and interesting. The characters' dynamic is really interesting and, although the plot is not mindbreakingly original, it's written really really well. Heck, some of the best stories out there are a bit cliche!

The Introverts Guide To World Domination - She's on here again and for good reason too. This story is actual love! Honestly, there's just nothing more to say other than if you haven't already read it then you really really really damn should.

The Seventh Girl - alexandra.: I always feel that she should get more cover and worship than she does but then I don't think even that would be enough. This has the promise of something great and, in normal alexandra. style it's written to perfection.

Please feel free to recommend stories for me to read/fall in love with because I always enjoy exploring other peoples' minds through their creations. Much love :]
October 10th, 2010 at 06:38pm