What do you think???

I wrote this over the summer and I'm not sure if I'll do anything with it or not. What do you think???

A red halo circled around his head, framing his now pale face. Strands of brown curls swam in the red pool. Beyond that, he looked as if he was sleeping. I looked down at his perfectly sculpted body clothed in royal armor with fierce lions roaring around the heavy chainmail. The other army retreated, knowing the consequences of killing a royal member. Let alone the heir to the throne.
“Stop fighting!” I looked around me to see soldiers halt and stand at attention while the remaining troops from the other army ran for the forest, stepping over littered bodies, belonging to them, and to us.
A large unarmored man ran behind one of the soldiers standing about ten yards from me. He raised his battle axe and started swinging it down on the shoulder of the best fighter. I raised my ivory bow and shot a red tipped arrow, hitting the enemy in the larynx. He paused and fell backwards, crimson swirling around the ground and his face, pooling in his eyes.
The last of their army fell into the woods, much less dense then when they had come through four days ago.
But we had won. And lost. They had lost. And gained. Food, cattle, prisoners. We lost lives. Nothing more precious than that.
I looked up at the blackening sky and raised the horn from my belt up and blew into it, making a load, dull sound signaling to the soldiers it was time to go home. A chariot rode up beside me with black horses, stopping abruptly. I looked down at the body at my feet.
The driver stepped off the chariot and helped me to step onto the chariot’s base. He cradled the body of the boy and laid him gingerly on the inside of the chariot. He stepped up and rode off into the red sunset just as the angels began crying tears of sadness for the lives lost and some tears of happiness for the arrival of loved ones.
We got home as the sky blackened completely and opened up, letting a string of white lightning slip down and color the dark clouds gray and the battle grounds orange and red.
The large stone doors were pulled closed behind us, the last chariot back into the kingdom.
We all fell asleep to cries and screams that night.
October 10th, 2010 at 10:08pm