Why can't I ever be happy for more than one day straight..? I feel so alone... I need somebody to talk to... :'(

I was in a bad mood last night, a bad mood this morning, then it got better, and now it's just worse again.

I feel so..alone. It's just me right now..I'm not talking to anybody...and I'm lonely. And I feel like even when I am talking with someone... I still am alone.

I have too many secrets. You guys know more about me then my own mother.. But you still don't know my worst secrets. I'm not a murderer or anything else like that..and it's not something I can control..but I still have a lot of secrets...and there's no one I can tell...Only one person in the whole world knows.. And it's just...building up inside of me and I feel like I'm going to explode..Because I can't do anything about it, but if I don't then it will just get worse and..it's a lose lose thing...

I need somebody to talk to..anybody? Please?
I'm so lonely...
I need a hug...
Jessica. <3
October 11th, 2010 at 12:37am