I Still Dont Feel Grown Up... Plus I Have No Idea What To Do After Graduation... +Questions.

I still don’t feel like I’m completely grown up.
It doesn’t feel like I’m going to be graduating this year, and onto adulthood… like were did all the years go?

Time is a scary thing.

I remember when I was 13 and I didn’t want to grow up… I started worrying because I thought I was old.

This isn’t right it feels like just yesterday that I was in grade nine. Yeah I will admit that part of me is excited to move out and live with friends… but the other part is freaking the f*ck out! Also I thought I knew what I wanted to do post secondary… but recently I’ve changed my mind a lot.

I wanted to be an art major in University but now it’s just like I don’t want to become a struggling artist. Lately I’ve been leaning towards real-estate. I don’t know it’s a good career with unlimited income… just you have to be good at it, and there is also a lot of competition. It just scares me that I have less than a year left of being a lazy high school student. I seriously have to get my act together haha.

But one thing for sure is that I’m taking a gap year off from university.
I’ll get a job, live with friends, and party.
The usual sh*t.
But as of right now… I have no idea what I’m going to do with my life.
Well I guess I have a while to figure that out… hopefully.

1.)Have you graduated?
2.)If so what are you currently doing?
3.)Do you like what you are currently doing?
4.)How was your day?
5.)Would you rather have ice cream in a bowl… or cone? Oooh random. ?
October 11th, 2010 at 03:30am