A new breed of Confessions

If you've ever found yourself wanting to confess something anonymously, please check out fessions @ formspring.

Submit your confession in the question box and be sure to tick off 'ask anonymously.' Confessions will have to be approved first to avoid any bashing or personal attacks going through, but other than that, it's a free for all. Everything is completely untraceable, not even the people managing the account would be able to see who posted something. If ever someone forgets to log out of formspring, there's a code of honor that we won't post it that way - we'll just submit it anonymously ourselves. As previously mentioned, this is completely anonymous.

In other words this will work like the original Postsecret blog. This is like the Confessions thread, only with no usernames attached. Help us get started! :)

***Not officially affiliated with Mibba.com, but originally created to serve its community.

Please ask questions here!
October 11th, 2010 at 06:32am