BIG 80s HAIR (Spirit Week)

Today was Pajama Day, and I wore my obnoxious pantalones de Dia de los Muertos. My Spanish teacher was thrilled, because she's from Mexico. I'm really pumped for Day of the Day this year. :B

Tomorrow is 80's Day (or Nerd Day, but that's lame,) and I'm wearing a Kiss shirt that I borrowed from my friend Allison. She's coming over tomorrow morning so I can do her make-up. This is what I'm doing for her, but modeled on myself:


CUTE, RIGHT? It's from this video, but I don't think mine is as good...BUT I LOVE CYNDI LAUPER.

I can't figure out how to do my hair. It's so...I don't know, straight that it won't curl or gain any body. Bummer. I'm wearing a KISS shirt I borrowed from Allison, and a light grey pair of a skinny jeans with my converse that I got at the thrift store with two or so belts.

Well, the rest of Spirit Week is Crossover/Dress-up Day, Sports Day, and Blue & White (school colors) Day.

Crossover Day is when you dress as something that is the opposite of you. Mostly cross-dressing, but some people dress as old people, or someone of the opposite "clique" they're in. Adam and I are going to dress up though, because we cross dressed last year. Mmm, Adam in a tux...

Sports Day is what you would expect; people just wear their favorite sports team's jersey or whatever.

Blue & White Day is kind of self explanatory as well...

2. What is/was Spirit Week like at your school? (if you had one...I just assume everyone does...)
3. What's the opposite of yourself?
October 12th, 2010 at 03:45am