To Whom It May Concern...

I don't want to write my life story and bore you with every living detail...
I don't want to tell you everything that is wrong with my life...
I don't even want to tell you everything that is right...
But i might...
Just because I can...

Something happened this week...
It's making me think about a lot of things...
Someone i knew passed on...
An acquaintance should I say...
And she's really making me think about life...
And how short it is...
It's making me think that life's not all it's cracked up to be...
That you have to work at it and that's what makes it work...
Nothing is going to get handed to you...
No matter how much you think it will be...

I realized that people aren't that special either...
Some will treat you like the dirt under their fingernails...
Some will treat you like your what makes their world...

Can you tell me how a 17 year old boy is supposed to be your best friend...
But he drops you like that?
After he picked you up and told you he loved you?
After your hopes got way too high for your own good?
And this is the boy who you've secretly loved for years?
And he broke your heart in 5 seconds?

I figure I don't care much about him after all...
I say I knew it was going to happen...
I say there are better things in the world...
I figure that I might be right...
October 13th, 2010 at 03:07am