My 16th birthday is this Saturday; I should be happier about it.

My birthday is October 16th. I'll be sixteen years old at 12:10 PM on that day. I feel like I should be more excited than I am.

Isn't sixteen supposed to be exciting? Now I get to...What? I get to donate blood with parent permission. That's as exciting as it gets for me.So hardcore, I know.

We're going out for sushi on Friday night, because Saturday night we'll be busy packing to go to Charlottesville to see a concert, which should be fun. The concert is a combination present for my birthday and my parents' anniversary, which is on the 18th.

I just don't like getting older, no matter the privileges that come with it. :\


In smaller news, I think I'm in love with Adam. No biggie, right? I've liked him and he's liked me on and off for the past three or so years. I tell him I love him, and he tells me he loves me, but I don't know whether or not he means it like I do...I'm really confused about the whole situation.

He's moving to Italy after this year though, and I'm so terrified that I'll forget him after he's gone, like I have with all my other friends that move. I don't think I will, but I'm afraid that I might. I don't want to forget him.

I feel like crying. Nevermind, I am crying.


I woke up at 4 AM this morning, and couldn't get back to sleep, but that was okay, because I had an amazing dream about the boy I've liked for going on five years. Pathetic, I know. Anyway, I'm running on four hours of sleep, and when that happens, I get really pessimistic.

1. How was your 16th birthday? (or how do you want to celebrate it?)
2. How do you feel about getting older?
3. Share a funny picture with me?
October 13th, 2010 at 03:53am