Life is a game.

Life is a game. You play it all the time. You know you only have one
Chance, one shot to get it right. You mess this time, and there isn't an undo
or a restart button to push, there isn't a code to type in to get another life.

Life is a game. We are all characters. In someone else's game world, pawns on
the board, waiting for our turn to be taken out. We continue our play, our turn,
Changing our strategy all along the way.

Life is a game. Play your way through; complete your mission and move on to
the next one. As you go, you get stronger, you get tired so you rest, you get your
needs met.

Life is a game. How well you play determines how long you will last in this world.
Do not give up if it gets too hard, because you won't get another shot.

Life is a game. You may never complete it all, but as long as you did your best
nothing else matters, not even the rest.
October 13th, 2010 at 10:34pm