Give me your one-shots, preferably cute/happy ones.

Hi, guys.

Well if you read my journal from two days ago (if not, you can check it out,) then you might know that I think I'm in love with my friend, Adam.

Today, he asked me out.

After, three years, he finally asked me out. I said yes, of course, and I've been in a stupid bubbly girl mood since. But I like it.


Today was Dress-Up/Crossover Day. I wore my favorite (and only) dress, and I loved it. I feel so pretty in that dress. Adam wore a tux, and I couldn't stop smiling at him. He's so cute. [/girlyfit] My other friend also dressed up, and he was looking FINE. ;)


Now, to get to the point, and most likely the reason you're here, I want to read some cutesy one-shots. Or not so cutesy. Two and three-shots are also fine as long as the chapters are short, but no more than that please.

I'm not guaranteeing comments, because if I don't like it, I usually don't comment on it unless I have something to critic about.

If I do like it, I'll probably leave a comment, and tell you what I liked about it, and such. So, don't get all fussy if I don't comment on it saying I loved it. That's just not me.


Stories to read:
Horrid Thoughts with Hard Questions (23 Chapters thus far) is what I'm currently working on.

For those of you who haven't read it yet (seriously guys, read it,) it's about these two cousins that run away to Florida to get away from their abusive/drunken family, and end up in a brothel. Then some stuff goes down, and you should read what happens next. Days in Preparation (only one chapter as of now) is a side-story for the brothel owner in Horrid Thoughts with Hard Questions, Adrian. Basically his life up until HTwHQ, and misc. things I think are neat about him. (He's my favorite character. :3)
Finis. (5 Chapters thus far) is a post-apocalyptic story, written by the main character, who describes what has happened to her and the other survivors. An epidemic spreads from Asia to the rest of the world, infecting millions as it goes. It's quick, and deadly.
And lastly,
Joy is a group story that anyone is free to join.

It's where we writers can just write little drabbles about things that make us happy. There are three chapters up as of right now, but you can change that number. ;)

Just PM me, or leave a comment here so I can add you as an author.
October 15th, 2010 at 04:51am