He's strange... He's mysterious... I love him.

Yeah, I'm starting to really hate looking for books. That's basically what they synopsis revolves around. Really? You love him! Oh come on! I'm sure I love onions more than you love this stranger (and I hate onions by the way.) Or, "she's so strange, he's been watching her! Oh he must meet her! He must, but she's too cold." Bro, stop stalking her and talk to her. Fricken creeper.

What happened to fiction like A Great and Terrible Beauty? Or A Certain Slant of Light?
Better yet, The Night Angel Trilogy! Gods that was an amazing book, so addicting. I swear, god-complex never looked more appealing.

The only decent piece of literature that I've found after an hour of digging through barnes and nobles is The Forgotten Garden. It just seems original in this sea of monsters that sparkle and are built like the Terminator.

Butttt time to whore your story! If you know an author with a shred of originality (I really don't mind vampires and werewolves, honest it's just now mundane....) then suggest please. Leave a link below with the synopsis. I'm starving for something to read. Really, please. Whore away!

Oh and on a side note.... ._. New Animosity will be on NaNoWrMo. I will publish Animosity. I will, I will, I will. (Think if I click my heels three times it'll come true instantly?)

(Yeah I didn't think so either.)

But yes, I've gotten almost three chapters (including prologue!) of Animosity done. I'm working harder on the new one than the original junk I have posted already. I may actually make the old one a manuscript and publish that if Animosity makes a decent turn.

Now go! Whore the stories so my mind doesn't decide to devour itself in search of an interesting read.
(Oh and no fan-fics.)
October 15th, 2010 at 04:27pm