To All The People...

Who have commented, subscribed and read Adventures of the Psychopaths. It means alot to me and Jennifer that there are people out there that seem to enjoy it.

It's not something we could publish as is, but we love writing in it and it's always a pleasure to see more people read it each day :). Keep reading, we always try to update as soon as we can, but there are alot of times we have writers block and it takes 3 days to write a chapter.

And for the people who have reporting our stories, we aren't harming anyone, if you find it offensive go read something else please. There are warning in our description. It is VIOLENT. We CUSS. It isn't like we're posting Child-beastiality porn okay?

Again thank you to all the people who have supported this story and encouraged Jennifer and I to FOR ONCE Keep writing in a story and not delete it after chapter 5. :)


October 16th, 2010 at 11:31pm