Vegan lunchbox!

Random tasty packable things G and I (but mostly G) have made recently and other lunch ideas follow, placed here mostly for my convenience.

-I'm calling this the State Fair sandwich because it's easier than naming all its ingredients every time I refer to it: hummus, spinach, lettuce or other leafy green of your choice, basil, tomatoes, button mushrooms and olives on sourdough bread.
-vegan jambalaya
-basically anything with lentils
-anything with black beans and sage -- we improvised really tasty nachos with this base once
-Pasta plus:
--sauteed vegetables (including little cherry/grape/what-have-you tomatoes sauteed whole so they explode when you eat them), olive oil, salt, pepper, and just a little rice vinegar
--that spicy Trader Joe's marinara sauce, several teaspoons of soy sour cream to alleviate the DEAR GOD I'M A DRAGON NOW, and black beans
--margarine, just a little grated Follow Your Heart cheddar, and allspice -- vegan mac'n'cheese, woohoo!

Anybody else got suggestions? Easy pasta dishes are always useful around here.
October 17th, 2010 at 11:54pm