the Beginning

Hi, I'm Universally Known. By Universally Known I actually mean Universally Unknown, but maybe that will change. At least, maybe it'll change as far as mibba goes.

I don't really know why I'm writing this. Actually, scratch that out. I DO know why I'm writing this. I want to use these journal thingys on here as a sort of blog. I know that's probably going to sound stupid, but I can never really stick to posting on an actual blog, and I have countless blogs with just one entry on them to vouch for that one, so I want to try this out and see if it works.

I'll give you a little background info about me, if you really care to know. Yes, I mean that David Copperfield kind of crap that Holden Caulfield hated. Well, no, I won't get quite THAT detailed about it, but I will give some basic stuff. I'm fifteen going on fifty five, and Im about seventy lbs over the weight that a girl of my age and height should be. I like to listen to music, and I don't mean that lightly, at all. I mean to say that I'm constantly finding new musicians that I haveant heard before, and basically whenever Im not doing something more important, I will be listening to my ipod. I will probably be deaf by the time I am twenty, but at this point I just don't care.

I like to read actual literature, and not books about sparkling vampires (I mean no offense by this at all, it's just my opinion.) I like to watch anime, but I wouldn't exactly claim myself to be an 'anime freak' quite yet, maybe in about another year or so...I like to write, otherwise I wouldn't even be doing this right now.

I don't think very highly of myself. Im clinically depressed, and I believe that I suck at almost anything that I do. I'm trying to get myself out of that, but it will take a while. I have a few very close bffs, and I would die for them because they are part of what rescued me from myself, as cliched and 'emo' as that sounds. It takes alot for people to earn my trust, but if you ever need someone to talk to im always around to listen....or read and type, whichever.

Ok, so maybe I did go a slight bit david copperfield on you, but whoever said that was a bad thing?
October 18th, 2010 at 03:40am