New Poem | I'm in such a weird mood O.o :D XD :P ;)

So I just wrote my first poem in forever, so I seriously think you should check it out. I'll give you anything...

Anything At All

See what I did there huh? Mm yeah xD

I was completely inspired by The Fray, specially Over My Head which I've been listening to non-stop all day. I'm getting back into all my old music, it's mint!!

I listened to Vengaboys - Shalalala lala the other day, it was amazing. My brother and I had a little reminisce/party. Twas spectacular.

But anyway......


^ Squiggles.

I haven't had much sleep. I feel pretty freaking amazing though, like super overly tiredly high :D

I've been on a movie watching spree. Descpicable Me, Vampires Suck, Prince Of Persia, Tomorrow When The War Began, Kickass, The Rebound, The Time Travelers Wife, The Sweetest Things, Camp Rock 2, The Happening.....

Oh yeah. All in a week, that's pretty good huh!! And they all rocked!!!!


Life is so blah. But I'm loving it, da da da da da.... (Maccas theme ftw)

Boys suck. School sucks.

I graduate in like three weeks.

Exams = D: art is stressing me out.


But this weekend is going to mint!!!! And tomorrow. Tomorrow I go to see Sweeney Todd, live on stage and I know half the actors in it. They all rock. Yes I have already been like two days ago, but I'm going again. Hey free tickets :D

And this weekend = three days off school. Which = free concert + famous New Zealand artists + picnic + friends + Halloween party + alcohol (my first legal drink, and first time buying for myself :D) which ultimately = AMAZINGNESS OF A WEEKEND!!!!


Who else is in a weird mood?
Anyone seen any of those movies on that list?
Like my poem? (which you obviously read..... >.<)
What are you doing this weekend??

I LOVE YHOO officially...
October 18th, 2010 at 10:00am