Big Fight. Big Pain.

Yeah. So. I had powder puff yesterday. Oh my god was it fun. The game was just non stop fighting and yelling. We, the seniors, of course won (6-0). The juniors were playing dirty from the start. And everydoby was ganging up on me. That wasn't cool.

But, damn, did they tick me off.I was center defense and I had to go against a tiny girl. Yeah, I'm mean but I wasn't gunna break the poor girl. So they threw my sister in and I had her and the tiny girl on me. My sister tried tripping me. I don't know what happened but she muffed up my leg big time.

Anyway, I was doing what I was supposed to do, blocking, tackling, and stuff. This one junior took it to far. She literally attacked me while I was on offense. I was like "ain't happening, hoe" and started womping on her. We fought almost every play because we were paired up. She pulled my dang hair! But you know, all is fair in love and war. So I smacked her in the face. I played the whole game but I had to come out for like two minutes to breath. I was really weezing and stuff. It was scary. I chugged down a bottle of water and ran back onto the field.

The game was crazy. Supposedly, I was hittin some girl in the back of the head. I don't remember it. There were like 4 big fights, an almost fight, and 2 small fights. I was in 3 of the big fights, and the almost fight. This girl was attacking my team mate while she was on the ground so I went and intervined. She punched me in the arm. I punched her in the arm. She was about to punch me again but thought better of it.

Gah. I never felt so much like my old self. That was definately a good day to work on my anger management, by taking my anger out on some stupid juniors.

Well, I'm really feeling the game today. I got bruises all up my arms, around my collar bone, my shoulders, and around my waist. I have a tiny bruise on my hand and both wrists. There's no real bruise on my leg, where my sister got me, but it hurts like hell.

On the plus side, Kristen gave me the ring that day.
October 18th, 2010 at 05:03pm