Dedicated to My Cat Precious

When I was three, I found a little black kitten on the side of the road and declared to my dad that her name was Precious. From that day on, she was an outdoor cat and loved to catch gophers after our dog taught her how. Precious out lived her canine buddy, Nikki, who died due to cancer. Precious hated strangers and would attack my friends when they tried to pick her up.
All throughout her life, Precious would bring us rats, gophers, lizards, even a chipmunk. I would walk into her "territory" and meow to bring my baby running. She made it virtually impossible to walk past her because she would wrap herself around your legs, purring the entire time.
After my family moved to the mountains, she lived in doors and would love to sneak through our legs for a quick roll in the dirt. One time she even rolled down a hill and had this adorable "OOPS" look on her face as she ran back up. She loved to walk past the fence for the dog run and brush her tail against it as the dog watched her and whined.
On Saturday, my cat Precious got really sick. She had kidney failure and all kinds of things happening all at once. She spent her final day being brushed, loved on, and staring at the woods around my house. My dad and I took her to the vet and I got to hold her, wrapped in a fluffy purple blanket, as the vet gave her the shot.
I will forever miss my meowing little beauty that I found on the side of the road when I was three. She was never sick a day for 12 years. Precious lived a great life and will never be forgotten.

9/20/1998- 10/16/2010
Loving Cat and Dog Tormenter
October 19th, 2010 at 10:49pm