All you need is love and this journal is full of it. Hopefully this will make you feel good. <3

Lately, I've noticed a bit of rudeness on Mibba whether it be here in the journals, in comments or in the Chat. I haven't seen a whole lot of it, only here and there, but I want to bring some love to this site. I want to share my love with every single one of you since it seems like we live in a world that is full of hate because I want to show you that not everyone is mean, sick, or sadistic as some of the people you may be seeing on TV or reading about.

To those who have been bullied: It gets better!
I can't say that I was ever bullied in school but there was this one kid who really knocked down my self-esteem. In 7th grade, this boy in my elective classes would call me "werewolf" because of the hair on my arms. I'm of Portuguese descent and it just so happens that some Portuguese people have a bit more hair than others. My arms aren't that hairy but since I have dark hair, it's just noticeable. Almost every single day in the two classes we had together, he would say that I'm a werewolf and say that I look like the werewolf in the movie Underworld. This went on for the whole year and it sucked. I know that doesn't really compare to what some people hear but it was something that really got to me because aside from my crooked teeth and acne, the hair on my arms was just another thing I was self-conscious/embarrassed about and he just made me feel worse.

I dreaded going to those classes that I had with him and I hated wearing t-shirts because of it. It just really hurt being made fun of like that and honestly, it still makes me teary eyed just thinking about it. I also remember in my junior year of high school, he came into my English class when I had a substitute to just hang out and when he noticed me in the class, he said, "Oh my God, Shannon?! I haven't seen you in a long time! I remember back in middle school, calling you werewolf. Ah, good times." I felt like the embarrassed, self-conscious 7th grade girl that I was all over again.

Being made fun of and picked on sucks but it will get better. If you're being bullied, don't let these people know that they're getting to you. I know it's hard to have thick skin and some people are more sensitive than others but just remember that it does get better so please, don't do anything drastic. Don't try to commit suicide or go on a mass murder to get revenge on those who have treated you like dirt. Suicide and murder is not the answer. I want you to keep in mind that these people won't be around forever and you can surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally. I want you to keep in mind that these bullies might never amount to anything and they'll be working for you one day. I want you to keep in mind that I'm here for you if you ever want to talk. I want you to remember that it gets better.

To those of you who feel like you're not good enough: You are good enough.
I know what it feels like to think that you're not good enough for anyone. This is actually a feeling that I know a little too well. I've always thought that I was never good enough for my father. I felt like no matter what I did, he would never be proud of me. I always worked my hardest at everything that I did and excelled in school but he's never told me that he was proud. Instead, he just picked at my flaws and made me feel like a worthless piece of sh*t who wasn't good enough for his love. Then, of course, getting my heart broken by someone I loved deeply made me feel like I wasn't good enough and that's something that none of us should be feeling.

If a guy/girl breaks up with you or rejects you, I don't want you to think that the reason for it is because you're not good enough for that person. You are good enough to be their girlfriend/boyfriend. You are amazing and a beautiful person, inside and out. Just because this person wasn't aware of your greatness doesn't mean that you don't possess it. You are worthy of their time but if they can't realize that, it's their loss. I want you to remember that you are good enough for anyone and everyone so don't you let a single person tell you differently.

To those of you who feel unloved: I love you.
There could be any reason as to why you feel this way whether it be because you've been dumped or you're just having one of those days where you just have that feeling for unknown reasons. If there's ever a time where you are feeling like this, think of me because I love you.

I love each and every one of you whether we've spoken before or have yet to. I think you're an amazing person, truly amazing. You are smart and talented. No matter what anyone tells you, you're beautiful. I'm not just talking about outer beauty but inner beauty as well. You have a great personality. You're funny, kind, sweet and caring. All these traits, as well as the others that you possess, make you beautiful on the inside and that inner beauty shines right through to the outside.

I don't want you to forget any of that. I don't want you to forget what an amazing, beautiful, talented person you are. If there's ever a time where you feel unloved, please think of me. because I love you. If you ever need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate in coming to me because I'll be here for you no matter what. I want you to keep in mind what an incredible person you are and don't let others tell you differently. I want you to remember that I love you.

Now I'm sending you all of my love.
October 20th, 2010 at 02:13am