Discrimination in my hockey league.

So, I'm about to scream out and cry.


My hockey league's discrimination.

It all started like this.

I signed up for house league hockey, the same one I've been playing with for 4 years, once again. Signed up as a forward. As usual.

I got placed into my team, C1. Easy enough? Yes.

But, both C teams have no goalies. There's 3 B teams (a level higher) whom have 5 goalies. It's the league's fault now, they should have placed 2 of them in the lower levels. None of these boys wanted to step down. So I stepped up.

The first year I started playing hockey, I wanted to be a goalie. I signed up late in the season, so I used my common sense and told myself, "become a player instead", which I did. I'm in my 4th year of playing it, and it's working out.

Except, my position is forward. Last year, I was on defense. I hated it. I don't like playing defense, as I signed up as forward. I didn't complain to the coaches, only to people who knew what I was talking about.

So, coming back to my goaltending. I still want to be a goalie, always have, just even to try it out for a year. There's one problem. My league. They won't let me (yet).

Since I signed up as a "player", I "can't" become a goalie during the year. Bullshit.
The convener says "she isn't a qualified goalie" and they're "looking for a qualified goalie". My ass.

I play House league. At the lowest level. Seriously?! They should be happy to even have someone to be a goalie.

I have hypotheses for this injustice.

1. Because I'm a girl.
I've always known my league doesn't really like girls, they never have. They always put us at the lowest levels they can.

2. Because they're stupid adults.
Most of these people don't know how to play hockey or skate. They don't understand the game, they aren't the ones playing it. Some of these people actually understand the game, and they aren't coaches, or conveners, or anything of the genre. They might be ones opening and closing the doors for us (thanks, but we should be able to do it on our own).

3. Because they think I'll screw up.
Enough said. I'm a girl. That plays hockey. That understands the game better than most people in my level.

4. "Because I said so" excuse.
They're in charge, can't do anything about it.

With all of this, if I can't get my way, I have two options. Either to stick with this league while being a player or I could switch league's and become a goalie.

This really sucks. I have close friends in my league.
October 20th, 2010 at 05:14am