Alternate chapter 21.

Three days later, and Alex is finally out of the hospital. 
Hopefully, he'll never have to go back to that wretched place.
If all goes as planned, next time it'll be too late for a hospital.
He smirks, and Jack looks at him with concern.
"Alex...are you ok?"
His face quickly slips into a blank expression as he responds.
"Yeah, perfect. Why?"
Jack looks confused for a second.
"You just..had a weird smile on your face.."
"I'm happy to be out, that's all."
Alex smiles properly this time, and Jack shrugs, believing his lie.
Alex lets out a sigh of relief.
He had been worried that Jack knew what he was thinking, like he always seems to.
They walk for a few minutes more, on their way to the nearby park, when Jack suddenly freezes. 
"Alex...don't try that again. Please."
Damn. He did know. 
"I won't-"
"Yes, you will. Please, please promise me you won't. I want you to mean it, too. I don't want you to be miserable, but it killed me a little bit, seeing you so cold and broken, just..just please."
A tear rolls down Jack's cheek, and Alex can see now. 
He really means it. He really cares.
For some reason, he had refused to believe. 
Thought that it was just Jack being a hero, putting others before himself, as usual.
But now. Now he can see that Jack genuinely cares for him, and that immediately eliminates any other suicidal thoughts he has had.

Tears are gliding down his cheeks now, too, and he quickly closes the space between them, embracing Jack in a tight hug.
"I promise." 

same first part and yeah. Grossly fluffy.
October 20th, 2010 at 06:12am