I need help

I’ve been having mixed feelings about my boyfriend Jon. We haven’t been together a month and we’ve already have had sex. I like him and I like the fact that he likes me and we spend time together, but Idk, I feel like we rushed into a sinsous relatationship too fast. he’s 23, has a three year old daughter, and idk. It feels like every time we’re together, he wants to have sex or try to go farther then kissing.

I don’t wanna tell Morgan or Jon about it, cause I’m not sure how I feel per se. there’s times that I think I love Jon, but then it’s like, there’s no sparks when we kiss, nothing, it’s like when Tony and I kissed at nate’s party. I’m not sure what to do, I want to stay with him and try to make it work, but at the same time, I want to be with someone my age, that doesn’t already have a kid, someone that’s my age or at least share the same intresses in like dance and music and doesn’t work at the same pizza place.

When I was younger, I had rules for myself; ones that I was gonna live by. They were simple ones: I didn’t want to date anyone younger then me or shorter then me. I changed the age rule to: they had to be born in at least ’92, if they were born in ’93, then too bad. These rules are dying on me. I’ve kissed people who are younger and shorter then me. Bad thing is I think I’m getting a crush on Morgan’s friend, matt. What’s the probable with that, you might ask? The probable is Matt’s a lot younger then me, a lot being that he was born in July of ’93, breaking my own rules if I did anything. And the fact that he’s a minor and I’m not plays into the whole probable. I think I also might still have a crush on Moses, which is completely silly since he’s 31 and I doubt he’ll go for me, even if we end up clicking in personities.
October 20th, 2010 at 06:51am