Overused story plots that get on my nerves-

*BEFORE I START: this is just my opinion. It means nothing to you and it may be extremely wrong in your eyes, but if you took the time to read this, you must have some sort of opinion of your own, so tell me about it in the comment box somewhere down there VVVVV :)

1.) Pre-arranged marriage
I can't tell you how many times I've seen this one, omg. I honestly can't say that I've ever actually read one, so there ~could~ be one out there worth the read, but I can only imagine that any person that would even think of this as a good plot to use must be on something. I am sorry but this is trashy writing, especially when it's fanfiction. I mean, really? Brendon Urie would never find himself unwillingly marrying some random ass chick that his parents set him up with on the day of his birth. Wanna know why? Because he's Brendon fucking Urie, bitch. And that's what he would say as he threw some of his millions of dollars at the girl and her family before he peaced out. I can maybe understand an original fiction about some Indian or African kids, but otherwise no. I know some people will be like "But that's why it's called FICTION!!1!!!" Well- in my opinion, stories should be realistic. By that, I don't mean that everything in every story should be able to happen, because then it'd be boring, but if you're writing about cavemen, you wouldn't have one of them drive off in a porche, right? Right. So should you write about arranged marriage in the 2000's? Hello, who was the last person you know that this has happened to in the last ten years in america? Yeah. My point exactly.

2.) Two friends go to a concert and meet their favorite band, ultimately both landing a member and living happily ever after
Bullshit. That's all I have to say. I don't mind this one that much, because I want people to have their fun writing out their fantasy, but it will never happen, ever. And you will never find me reading one of these, ever.

3.) Famous guy finds girl with issues and wants to help her
I see the Jonas Brothers included in this plot line often. It's always the same- the girl is in some sort of trouble (she cuts, she has an abusive somebody, her parents just died, etc.) and the famous guy somehow finds out about it within the few hours that he's in her town that day and suddenly is all concerned and wants her to come with him. Ok, and how about we all just go buy some flying pigs.

Oh snap! It's time for me to go take a shower.
Well- I might finish this some other time...

&just for the record- I didn't write this to be douchey or mean, I'm just tired of seeing the same damn things over and over again. I want people to push themselves to think up a gr8 original idea and run with it.
October 20th, 2010 at 07:16am