thanks a lot austen, hoe. jkjk I love you really. :)

oh my loooord I haven't been on here for a while...

what to say...

WELL I've started sixth form and it's nearly half term, YAYO. Holidays.
Just watched snatch again, I love Vinnie Jones sososososo much.
But oh man the work for a levels is fucking haaaard. so much harder than those pesky gcses (so to any of you out there doing them... sorry but it gets a LOT worse). Saying that though I have never been happier (as an adolescent ovb. we're not talking primary school happy... imagine if we could be that happy as teenagers... there'd probably be no stabbings or anything). Sixth form is lush, lots more freedom and the subjects you do are the ones you really LOVE.

Talking of the old looooove...
there is this guy and he likes me, I sort of like him, he is different to ALL the other guys I've gotten involved with before so maybe this won't end like all of those relationships (with me getting bored and awkwardly dumping them for no real apparant reason). I am a bit worried that I am TRYING to like him because I'm a bit lonely at the moment and that's really not fair to him...

So how is he different... well he is mean to me (god it is sososo bad that I look for that in a guy but hey, it's the way I was born). He gets that when I am mean to him I don't really mean it (had some problems with that before...).

Comment if you too suffer the affliction of really digging guys who are totally arrogant and horrible to you. It's the old Darcy complex. Thanks a lot Austen, now we all think we can "change" them! :')

October 20th, 2010 at 09:24pm