
Before I get started, I'd like to tell you current events leading up to the real reason of writing this.

In Physical Education class, there is this guy named Daniel. I really like him. He is really tall and has dark emo looking hair. He is really nice to me for some reason.

The first time we ever made any kind of contact was at the tennis court and it was almost time to go in and we were walking back, but i kind of just sat there for a few seconds. He comes over there and kicks the fence behind me really softly. When i turned around he was walking away, like he had no idea anything happened. So the coaches told us to go back. So we sat on this little brick seat thing coming out a wall. And Daniel was throwing rocks down dessy's shirt and she goes, " I freaking hate you. I'm not talking to you anymore". And he goes "Fine. Then cesley's my new best friend". That really made my day. :)

The first time he actually said anything directly to me.So one day Me, him, dessy, Rosa, and a few of Daniel's friends, where walking the track. I happen to be walking right next to him. I was thinking intensely because of something that a friend of mine said. I was kind of depressed that day. So, I was walking along and he turns to me and says, " How has your day been. You seem quiet today." I said, "boring". And he nodded and looked straight and that was that.

But the other day we really had an actually conversation. We walked on the track me, him, and dess and we talked for reals.

Now the reason for posting this. He didn't really say anything to me today. T.T At the begging of P.E. he goes, "Your hair is wavy today." Thats all. How wonderful huh??

Questions :)

1. Do you have a crush?
2. If so whats his/her's first name?
3. Where's you meet them or see them?
October 22nd, 2010 at 12:20am