Show Your Purple!

*Hey, if you are a homo-phobe, you may wish not to read this. I may offend you, and I really don't like those who hate people because of their sexual orrintation. So if you hate anyone who isn't straight, I suggest you leave this page, pausing only to remove your head from your ass. Thanks.*

The other day, I joined people across the Canada, and maybe everywhere else too, I don't know, in wearing purple. Why? Well, last week, seven people killed themselves because they were being taunted for being gay. One of them was straight. The purple is like wearing pink to support finding a cure for Breast Cancer.

I had a bit of a chore finding purple to wear, but I was glad I found some. When I got to school, I was really happy to see many people, almost half the school wearing purple. I felt, cheesily enough, like I was filled up with happiness because of the support that people were showing. Some people bought the ribbons that were being sold and wearing those. The shirt I found was a little small, but I felt like it was worth it.

Even little things jumped out at me. Purple hats, purple shoelaces, a guy carrying around a purple balloon. It was refreshing to see so much support for those who had to deal with jerks who call them fags and homos.

Of course, there are two sides to everything. There was a guy who proclaimed that any straight person who wore purple to support gays was a "Hypocrite", and one girl proclaimed to my friends French class that she wasn't wearing purple because homosexuals "didn't deserve to live." But those voices were all but lost in the excited babble of people showing off their purple.

The phrase I heard the most that day was "Where's your purple?" One of my friends stalked down the hall, screaming at me, "Are you wearing purple!? You better be, or I'm gonna kill you!" I was, and she was abated. "Still," She muttered, "If so-and-so isn't wearing purple, I'll punch him/ kill her!"

I was happy to see so much support, and you know what, wear purple today. Wear it tomorrow. Show your support. It's never to late.
October 22nd, 2010 at 01:13am