My life is messed up-damn- why can't it LEAVE ME ALONE?!

Many people don't believe in the 'paranormal', if you don't, then don't read this. I'm not crazy or have a 'over active imagination'. My life is just seriously messed up, by some really messed up stuff.
This sounds lame and all, but..., there's a demon in my closet. See-in my closet there's the furnace- that's were it 'lives'-I should mention that they like warm places. It's followed me through out my house, from the time I lived on the first floor, to the basement, and now- the up stairs. It follows me because I'm the goth in my family, and I'm not afraid of it. Well I am, sorta afraid of it since it tried to take my head off-twice- with my closet door that opens to the furnace. I've never seen it before-but- based on the nightmares I've been having, I say I have when I lived on the first floor, but I can't remember it Clearly. Also, its after my father, I don't know why, but I think it has something to do with his grandparents that lived in the house before us.
Besides the demon, I'm a magnet for bad luck. Things just seem to be attracted to me. I get into a lot of stuff with random-um...random things. There's a lady that follows me around, my friends have seen her, and she is some kind of 'protection'-but she can harm the most. I think she's my grandma's mother-the one that lived in the house before my family. I don't know- so I'm going to find a photo of her and show it to my friends, if it is her-then I'm going to have to find out what she's done and why the demon is here.
I've been writing poems(these ones I have not posted on Mibba). I've been doodling, and I black out, next thing I know there's a poem on the page in my hand writing. The poems are strange-I'll have to post some on Mibba.
There's probably somethings I forgot to mention, but right now there's allot on my mind. For those of you who are thinking 'she's crazy' or 'is just imagining things' leave me alone. Please. If someone out there knows how to deal with these things-I could use advice.
October 22nd, 2010 at 06:33pm