Homework?! "Somebody kill me please!"

I never do my homework. Let me rephrase that, I never want to do my homework. I'm still able to do the work, but it takes me a lot of effort to even start the assignments. The thing is, when I get home from a hectic day at school, I just want to chill. I don't want to see, smell, touch, hear, books and papers and binders, and all that crazy stuff. I just want to forget about the events before hand, chill, and focus on my thoughts. And when I am finally comfortable enough to even start the assignments, I get too lazy and too comfortable with my comfort that I just don't want to do the homework. After hours of forcing myself to start the work, it's already 8-9 pm, I'm dead tired, and I need to finish 5+ assignments.

Right now, I have to start a research paper about Tolkien arguing that Beowulf is not a heroand I don't care what Tolkien has to say about Beowulf because Beowulf is NOT real, start a Government assignment about court cases that involve research and my opinion on the cases, finish a charcoal portrait I've been working on fortwo years since last Saturday, start an art piece for some contest that I don't even care about, and start/finish my art school portfolio.

Life is not fair for a procrastinator.

Speaking of procrastinating, I'm supposed to be "finishing" my comic for my art class tomorrow, and I barely began sketching the fourth page. I had three weeks to work on that 10-12 page comic; I chose Monday to start it, got carried away with the length it takes for Monday to reach Friday, and now I'm seriously cursing at myself for being such a lazy bum. It's really sad, I admit. The good thing is, I came up with a good idea, that's really easy to draw, due to how simple it is. My first idea was a very complicated plot that involves detectives, and revolutions, and rebellions, you know, the fun stuff. Unfortunately, that idea was going to spawn into a 30-40 page comic, and I just don't have the time, effort, and motivation for that (even though I love that idea, bits to pieces).

This song describes my current situation with my assignments, let's call the assignments Linda, for now:

As much as I love art school, I really don't feel like going tomorrow. I don't want to be around art, and computers, and tablets, and nerds, and Starbucks. I just want to finish all of this work I have to do before I go even more insane. God, I can't wait for real art school/college -.-.
October 23rd, 2010 at 02:15am