Bullying. When will it stop?

It seems like kids at school dont have anything better to do then to bullying others.
You seem them around school harassing other people and you feel like you cant do anything. You could try to stop it but end up getting harressed too. You can tell a teacher but then they might come after you. So what most people do is ignore it and walk away. My friend was getting bullied by a couple of tough girls. So today they pushed it to far by tauting and teasing her so she told a teacher. I saw her crying will the teacher tryed to calm her down. Teachers say that if we just tell them whats happening and report it to the principal they'll get suspended and leave us alone. But in my school thats not the case. After they come back from suspension the harrasment gets ten times worse, and even though people see whats happening nobodys brave enough to stand up for you. They want to help but they dont want the bullying to be directed to them. So when does bullying stop? How do you avoid it? Bullying never complete stops, its in all schools, either physically or emotionally. The best way to avoid it is trying to stay away from the bullys or do something brave, stand up for yourself.
October 23rd, 2010 at 05:02am