I need time.

It feels forever ago that I've written anything; journals, poems, short uncompleted stories.


I'm constantly rushing, doing so much, and even the time I take to enjoy is rushed and definitely not relaxed.

I'm angry and I'm worried. I'm angry at friends for acting stupid -which is a result of writing here since none of them read this, thankfully- and which also leaves me worried at times. One thing repairs and then two more people fall apart. And it's absolutely impossible to communicate sensibly with everyone. Nobody wants to listen, they all just want to be heard.

I'm worried I won't make enough money for Kenya and I really want to go. Ugh. It's sucks just how things work out- the people who don't want to go are the ones with the money and those who do don't have enough. Ughhhh.

Well I'm fundraising. I'm hoping I'll make enough. I think the Pub Night will be good, I know a lot of people who like to go out to bars and such. :P


Hockey is crappy. We're not doing so fantastic at the moment. I've a game tomorrow night, I hope it goes well. Last night was awful- although we never even finished because the oppositions goalie was injured and it took too long to get a new one, blah blah, blah.


We Day was absolutely fantastic! Ahhhh! I loved it. It's such a wonderful day and leaves people so empowered and positive about change. Martin Sheen was my favourite I think, and then probably Jesse Jackson. Both are excellent speakers!

I was annoyed that Andrea was given the opportunity to go but didn't bother. I mean how could you pass on something to great? It's not like it was asking for money or this or that, it was the chance to hear new voices (or old, but unheard), and powerful presentations. Whether you agree with all of it or only some I think it's still a great time. I mean it's a day out of your life to spend, do you that little of time?


School is good so far. I really loving Global Studies. Physics and French are decent enough- I'm a bit confused on some stuff, but I find most of it interesting so that's fine. Chemistry is a lot of fun- our teacher is just great. I wish she taught all my science and math related courses; things would definitely make more sense. Math though I detest with passion. I'm so lost. It stresses me out beyond belief.

It's interesting prior to Math 10 I had like a average of 88% or something in Math. And I understood it fine, and even found it relaxing as well as enjoyable when I knew how to do it. Now after last year when my teacher did not teach me all the much, it became awfully stressful. Though occasionally there's something I'm decent at and I feel relaxed again, instead of stressed. Hmmmph.


Moving is always messing and annoying. Nothing seems to get done and everything is lost. I'm not enjoying it. I'm enjoying the new house and all though. But things are a mess. I do not like it.


I haven't much to say really. Well I've a lot to say but if I did it would be as long but certainly more eventful than Anna Karenina- so another time, okay?

Night y'all,
October 23rd, 2010 at 06:27am