Extended absensence reasoning.

Hey guys! Long time no talk, yeah? I feel bad because I haven't been around to update, answer you guys, or hardly even read my subscriptions.

As most of you know, I'm a junior in high school, and frankly...that takes up all of my time. I'm taking a college course and two AP classes, so I'm overloaded with homework and when I finish doing all of my assignments, I'm ready to drop. Also, during the weekend, I'm busy with band or FFA.

Starting today, I'm going to do my best to update more often. I miss all of you guys and your feedback, but please...don't give up on me yet!

Along with school, my sister and niece are living with us (ick!) and I'm trying to focus on college and scholarships more than I have been. I also got another horse, which busies up my schedule.

Please, guys, keep your heads up! I'll shoot some updates your way before too long, I promise!

I love you. You're all beautiful. :)
October 24th, 2010 at 06:45pm