
Some of you may of read my other assistant thing, for me to be your assistant, and I`m going to do that every week, but I`m also going to do this every week. This one is pairing you guys with eachother to be assistants instead of me being your assitant. Anyone who wants an assistant signs up, knowing that they may end up being the assistant. Then at three o'clock, I will put everyones name in a bowl, since I don`t have a hat, and pick a name that person gets an assistant, then the next person I pick is that persons assistant, then I pick another person and they get one, and so on. If I have an odd number of people the last person to be picked, I`ll be there assistant. Being an assistant means that you list to them, comment on something if they want you to, advertise something if they want you to, they can make you do about anything that has to do with mibba and isn`t breaking rules or being ignorant.
October 24th, 2010 at 07:41pm